Achieve Radiant Skin Through Our Facial Peel Treatments
A chemical peel is helpful for wrinkles, light acne scarring, and irregular pigmentation, such as freckles and age spots. Pre-cancerous conditions such as keratosis (thick, rough, and reddish growths) also respond well to this procedure.
Types of Chemical Peels
- Light peels to remove superficial wrinkles
- Medium peels to remove moderate wrinkles
- Deep peels for more severe wrinkles, acne scars, and other conditions
Skin Rejuvenation
Often used in conjunction with either chemical peels or laser wrinkle removal, a skin rejuvenation program can:
- Reduce Wrinkles of the Face
- Lighten Areas of Hyperpigmentation
- Produce a Softer Texture to the Skin
Areas that commonly need rejuvenation are the face, chest, arms, and back. The program can be done separately or in conjunction with the other procedures listed here and is followed at home by the patient after a consultation.

We establish a treatment plan for the patient’s cosmetic needs.
Our skin care department is dedicated to providing the latest and most effective skin treatments available. We also provide a popular body peel used in Beverly Hills.

Obagi Products and Peels
- Obagi Blue Peel
- Obagi Nu-Derm Skin Care
- Microdermabrasion